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A small set of modular resets, each one an independent mixin.

mixin only
  1. $exclude

    Names of reset modules to exclude.

The master mixin, scut-reset, calls them all minus any that you exclude with the $exclude argument`. Alternately, you could pick and choose yourself, calling only those you need.

Also, you could scope (most of) these resets by nesting them within an element. (You can't really scope antialias because it sets a rule on the body element.)

The modular reset mixins include the following (I suggest viewing the source code as well, so you know what you're getting into):

  • border-box: make everything a border-box (by setting border-box on <html> and inherit on everything else — so that if you have a component that was built to be content-box, you can make that switch by simply changing the parent container to content-box, and its children will inherit; see the CSS-Tricks reference about this)
  • antialias: set -webkit-font-smoothing: antialiased on everything. (As with border-box, it will set the property on <body> and inherit on everything else.)
  • semanticize: make headers (<h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6>) and <b> elements semantic rather than presentational
  • pointer: give cursor: pointer to clickable form elements (label, selected, option, button)
  • form: reset fieldset and restrict textarea to resize: vertical
  • button: reset default button styles that never get used and nobody seems to like (including button, input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], and input[type="reset"])
  • paragraph: remove margin-top from the first-of-type paragraph and margin-bottom from the last-of-type one
  • media: make img and video elements fluid-by-default, with max-width: 100%; and height: auto
  • figure: remove default margins from figure

These "reset" modules are not meant to serve the same purpose as a big reset/normalizer like the ol' Eric Meyer, the Compass Reset, or Normalize. Leave that base-level, grand-scheme-of-things resetting to one of those tried-and-true standards. Scut's "reset" modules, in contrast, are opinionated little attacks on specific elements.

Here's the reasoning: I've found myself implementing the same element-specific resets over and over again, project after project — making headers semantic rather than presentational; removing all the default button styling; and so on. So I decided to start stashing those resets for future projects. That's what scut-reset is.

If you want to use all the scut-reset modules, somewhere in your stylesheet (not nested within any other rulesets), do this:

@include scut-reset;

To exclude specific modules, pass their names in a list without commas as the $exclude argument. For example, to avoid the semanticize and paragraph modules:

@include scut-reset(semanticize paragraph);

To instead call only specific modules, use @include scut-reset-[name]. For example:

@include scut-reset-paragraph;
@include scut-reset-button;

And to scope the rest, just nest. See!

// call all the resets but `paragraph`
@include scut-reset(paragraph);
// but use `scut-reset-paragraph` within a specific context
.article-content {
  @include scut-reset-paragraph;