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Convert pixel-values to em-values.

function, with an exposed settings-variable
  1. $pixels

    The px-value you wish to convert to ems. No px unit necessary (e.g. 20 is fine, so is 20px). Passing a list will result in a list of em values (see examples).

  2. $base

    A base-value with which to calculate the em-value. If there are no units, it's interpreted as pixels; but you can use em-values, as well. The $base default value can be changed for your project by setting your own $scut-em-base variable prior to using this function (see examples).

Pass a single value or a list of values.

This function eases the burden on those who build flexible, em-based layouts but still find themselves thinking in pixels or using tools that speak in pixels.

Unlike other px-to-ems mixins I've seen, this one provides flexibility for situations in which the em-value has to be calculated in relation to something other than a default 16px font-size.

If a $base argument is provided, the em-value will be calculated relative to that $base (by default, $base is assumed to be 16). If that $base is in pixels, everything should work smoothly, no questions asked. You can also provide a $base in ems — but this is trickier: it will only work if your ems are not more than one layer deep.

(For example, if your element is the child of a container whose font-size is an em-value other than 1em, you can pass the font-size as the $base argument and everything will work fine (see example variations 5 and 6), But if the container has a font-size in ems (not 1em), and a child of it has a font-size in ems (also not 1em), and you're adjusting a grandchild ... things will probably go wrong. So, again, I don't suggest trying to use this function three or more levels deep in em-relativity.)

If you're worried about these nesting issues and want to use rem units, instead, try the scut-rem function or the scut-rem-fallback mixin.



// first pair
.eg-em-1 { width: scut-em(150); }
.eg-em-2 { width: 150px; }
// second pair
.eg-em-4 { font-size: 20px; }
.eg-em-3 { width: scut-em(250, 20); }
.eg-em-4 { width: 250px; }
// third pair
.eg-em-6 { font-size: 0.6em; }
.eg-em-5 { width: scut-em(275, 0.6em); }
.eg-em-6 { width: 275px; }
// list and units demonstration
.eg-em-7 {
  margin: scut-em(50 30px 0 60);
  padding: scut-em(50 20px 0)
// changing the default $scut-em-base value
// (compare to the second pair, above)
$scut-em-base: 20;
.eg-em-8 {
  font-size: 20px;
  width: scut-em(250);


Variation 1: 150px wide, in ems
Variation 2: 150px wide, in regular pixels (for reference)
Variation 3: 250px wide, in ems, with a different base size in px
Variation 4: 250px wide, in pixels, with a different base size in px
Variation 5: 275px wide, in ems, with a different base size in ems
Variation 6: 275px wide, in pixels, with a different base size in ems
Variation 7: Demonstrating a list of values being passed, as well as the option of including or leaving out the px unit.
Variation 8: You can change the default $scut-em-base value to avoid setting it manually over and over again.