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Give an element with unknown or fluid width a fixed aspect ratio.

mixin, with default-values placeholder
  1. $ratio

    The ratio-box's ratio: a fraction signifying width / height. The default, 1/1, is a square. Photos and videos usually come in 4/3 or 16/9 ratios.

This is especially useful if you want a background-image to preserve a ratio as a regular <img> can. (For more details on how you might tailor the presentation of those background-images, have a look at the Nicholas Gallagher reference below.)

An important note: Any content you put inside the ratio-boxes needs to be absolutely positioned. Otherwise it will screw with the ratio. So position: relative is set on the ratio-box to ease that. See the last example.



<p>These containers have different widths, but the ratio-boxes remain squares.</p><div class="eg-ratio eg-ratio-1"></div>
<div class="eg-ratio eg-ratio-2"></div>
<p>And the same principle applies to these, which maintain a 16/9 ratio and use a different classname for the inner element:</p>
<div class="eg-ratio eg-ratio-3"></div>
<div class="eg-ratio eg-ratio-4">
  <div class="eg-ratio-inner">Content inside</div>


.eg-ratio {
  background: $eg-muted;
.eg-ratio-1 {
  width: 15em;
  @include scut-ratio-box;
  // or @extend %scut-ratio-box;
.eg-ratio-2 {
  width: 7em;
  @include scut-ratio-box;
.eg-ratio-3 {
  width: 15em;
  @include scut-ratio-box(16/9);
.eg-ratio-4 {
  width: 7em;
  @include scut-ratio-box(16/9);
.eg-ratio-inner {
  position: absolute;
  top: 0;
  left: 0;


These containers have different widths, but the ratio-boxes remain squares.

And the same principle applies to these, which maintain a 16/9 ratio and use a different classname for the inner element:

Content inside